Ethics workshops usually are famous for their ability to put attendees to sleep within the first hour! But attendees of Deb’s training sessions have a different experience with her presentations, which are fun, full of humor (some of her power point slides contain cartoons for a bit of comic relief), and anecdotal stories that illustrate the point being discussed in a practical and potent manner.
Some ATTENDEES’ COMMENTS, which were provided on evaluation sheets following various seminars, concerning Deb’s training style:
From the most recent seminars:
“Beyond (to excuse a pun) satisfied, the information was relevant, concise, and interesting. Deb uses a combination of practice specific examples, learning tools, and group participation. Her knowledge as a lawyer in addition to her LCSW adds something extra to the Ethical concerns we discussed that you don’t normally get in Ethics Trainings.” -Sean O. (Louisiana)
“Good pacing, not too fast or too slow. Time available for comments was given, while respecting that not everyone wants to comment. It is helpful to slow down and make explicit what we are doing for self-care and not. I am aware of what changes need to be made, but like many of my clients, I do not slow down and focus on what I’m doing. This process today was very helpful in that regard.” -Steve B.
“Always thoughtful, frank, realistic – holds both legal and clinical frame for perspective and prevention for social worker and client.” -Connie K. (Louisiana)
Deb always has relevant/current cases. … Deb is always informative (as well as entertaining!). -Kasey O. (Louisiana)

From past seminars:
I always enjoy your seminars. I love the case examples. I thought the Zoom worked well. -Vera D. of Louisiana
3 hours is a good time limit for Zoom [webinar]. Format well organized. -Bev N. of Louisiana
I thoroughly enjoy your seminars. Using Zoom was very smooth. -Kristen A. of Louisiana
What was especially helpful to me was the section on how to handle subpoenas and preventive measures I can take in working with high-conflict couples to avoid Complaints. -Kay A. of Colorado
“Deb provides awesome, thought-provoking info. I wish my agency would have had this info available for the clinicians before we went on the stand [at trial].” – Webinar participant
“Information presented in a very clear and precise manner with relevant examples.” – Webinar participant
“I really enjoyed the training; it was quite applicable to practice.” – Webinar participant
“Deb is such an incredible speaker – and knowledgeable. I really appreciate everything [she] does to advocate for social workers and the mental health profession(s).” – Webinar participant
“Thank you for the best Ethics presentation I have been to in 25 years of practice. Your recommendations for protecting ourselves and our clients were exceptional! I will come to any presentation you have in the future. Thank you so very much!” – Webinar participant
“I thoroughly enjoyed your training. The intimate setting allowed for increased participation. I enjoyed the relevant examples/cases. I have been to Ethics seminars where the presenter went through the code of ethics (boring!). You discussed relevant issues that stimulated our interest in a fascinating way.” – Webinar participant
“I attended your seminar this morning and when I got back to my office, we had been served with a subpoena for records. I was able to tell my staff how I want to handle it based on the seminar and not freak out.” – Paula of New Orleans, Louisiana
“I thoroughly enjoyed Deborah Henson’s presentation. … I especially found it refreshing and informative that the presenter was an attorney and therapist. She knows the law and I feel more confident with being subpoenaed again. She humanized the courtroom and prompted how to respond, what to say-for that I am grateful. I will recommend to my colleagues.” – Webinar participant
“Very lively and informative. Made a serious subject clearer.”
“Great topic and delivery – love Deb’s navigation of the grey areas. Thank you!”
“Excellent presentation and interactions”
“Presentation was excellent!”
“Deb is an awesome speaker! I have never enjoyed ethics so much!”
“Great job with detail and appreciated your expertise.”
“You did an excellent job explaining all aspects related to therapist’s legal needs.”
“The presenter was wonderful – very informative and helpful. I especially liked the end comparison between the personality of a clinician versus lawyers.” – Webinar participant
“Deborah is a good speaker and interesting. thanks!” – Webinar participant
“Excellent ability to integrate and teach off of attendees’ experiences and cases.” – Paul of Cherry Hill, New Jersey
“Excellent webcast. I will definitely be utilizing her recommendations.” – Webinar participant
“Personable and knowledgeable.” – Claire of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
“Deb made this training a lot of fun and very productive.” – Nina of Cherry Hill, New Jersey
“Excellent; useful examples, great presentation style!” – Beth of Cherry Hill, New Jersey
“Clear, fun, and down-to-earth presenter. Love that she’s both LCSW and JD so that she understands both sides.” – Amy of Norcross, Georgia
“Very well-informed, approachable, good examples given.” – Kelley of Macon, Georgia