Beyond Ethics, LLC


Deb offers ETHICS training sessions for social workers, psychologists, counselors, and addiction counselors  via Zoom webinars through her business: Beyond Ethics, LLC. More frequently now, Deb is inviting a colleague with a special area of expertise to join her for a portion of the webinar presentation. And always in Deb’s group presentations, she welcomes audience participation in the form of advance “situations, dilemmas” or in person questions/comments during the webinar. Deb’s philosophy of training is much like her philosophy of life: If it’s worth doing, let’s have fun doing it and learn a ton in the process!!

The training sessions Deb offers through Beyond Ethics, LLC are certified for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Ethics by the various licensing boards in Louisiana and can be used for Continuing Professional Development (CPDs) in Colorado. Certificates will be provided in both states. The training is designed to fulfill the annual Ethics requirements for all disciplines in Louisiana where Ethics CEUs (3.0) is required for renewal.

Several times a year, Deb presents on a different topic involving self-protective, ethical handling of high-risk clinical practices and legal involvement.

The topic of my training this year (2023) is Ethical Management of Business Sticky Wickets in Clinical Practice: Documenting, Avoiding Complaints, Disciplinary Processes, and Handling Subpoenas.

Other recent topics include:

  • Divorcing Couples with Children: Ethical, Self-Protective Management of High-Risk Cases and Legal Involvement
  • Self-Protective Handling of Ethical Dilemmas That Arise Around Imminent Risk Cases in Social Work
  • Advance Ethical Planning for Therapist’s Unexpected Departure: The Professional Will
  • Walking the Clinical High Wire with Couples, Families and Lawyers: Ethical Management of Risk
  • Ethical Management of Legal Involvement: Authentic Use of the Therapist’s Self
  • Ethical Clinical Practice in an Electronic Age
  • Ethical Challenges in Clinical Practice: Dual Relationships & Other Sticky Wickets

Any of the above topics can be selected for customized group training or consultation.

What People Are Saying About Deb’s Seminars

“Beyond (to excuse a pun) satisfied, the information was relevant, concise, and interesting.”

-Sean O.
“Always thoughtful, frank, realistic – holds both legal and clinical frame for perspective and prevention for social worker and client.”

-Connie K.
“Deb always has relevant/current cases. … Deb is always informative (as well as entertaining!).”

-Kasey O.
“What was especially helpful to me was the section on how to handle subpoenas and preventive measures I can take in working with high-conflict couples to avoid Complaints.”

-Kay A.
Beyond Ethics, LLC