Due to continued issues with travel due to COVID-19, I am scheduling all 2024 seminars via Zoom. Both Louisiana and Colorado clinicians will be able to attend, which will make for a nice mix.

Rest assured – we will still have fun while we discuss high-risk cases that keep you awake at night!

Participants will still have the option, as always with my seminars, of sending in clinical or legal situations, dilemmas, and questions via email in advance. I will adjust our schedule for the Zoom meeting to incorporate a lot of audience engagement through discussions, polling, and other group activities.

If someone feels comfortable presenting their situation personally, she or he can present it to the group for our analysis. If you do not want to present, I will be happy to do so while preserving your anonymity.

Beyond Ethics, LLC will be offering

3.0 Ethics CEUs/CPDs
For Louisiana and Colorado Mental Health Professionals

May 10th • June 7th

Look forward to seeing you for fun learning about Ethics this year.

Upcoming Seminars

Ethical Challenges with Divorced Parents:
Clinical and Legal Conundrums


$80 for one 3-hour workshop

Ethical Management of Boundaries in the Digital Age:
Necessities (“the Rules”) and Suggestions for Increasing Well-being of Clinicians and Their Clients


$80 for one 3-hour workshop

What people are saying:

“Always thoughtful, frank, realistic – holds both legal and clinical frame for perspective and prevention for social worker and client.”
-Connie K. (Louisiana)

Deb always has relevant/current cases. … Deb is always informative (as well as entertaining!).
-Kasey O. (Louisiana)

What was especially helpful to me was the section on how to handle subpoenas and preventive measures I can take in working with high-conflict couples to avoid Complaints.
-Kay A. (Colorado)


Register Online

State where you practice

Mental Health Discipline

2024 Webinars

Please provide your cell number here.

Register by Mail

Please mail your check made payable to Beyond Ethics, LLC:

Beyond Ethics, LLC
118 Franklin Street
Northampton, MA 01060

Please provide the following information to complete your registration:

EMAIL (mandatory – materials will be sent via email)
DISCIPLINE (e.g., LCSW, LPC, etc.)

If all three are not included with your check, you will NOT be registered for the workshop.

In order to have materials emailed to you prior to the seminar, payment and registration info must be received via email (2 days in advance) or mail one week prior to the date of the seminar.

Beyond Ethics, LLC Cancellation Policy

Never worry about not being able to attend one of my webinars because life got in the way. As long as you email me in advance of the webinar, I will put you on the Credit List so that you can pick another date that works for you. I don’t provide refunds through PayPal because they take a percentage off the top. But once you have sent payment through PayPal or by mailing me a check, you are guaranteed a spot in one of my 3-hour Ethics Webinar of your choosing. Thanks for your business and keep coming back!! Deb

Meet the Trainer

Deb Henson, LCSW, JD, LL.M

Deb is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 35 years clinical experience, who is also a lawyer since 1991. She has been defending clinicians since 2000 in various types of licensing board matters. Deb also has a robust practice of risk prevention consultation for therapists who are attempting to avoid ending up before their licensing board. After Ethics training around the country for PESI and Cross Country since 2006, Deb started her own training business, Beyond Ethics, LLC, in 2009. Through Beyond Ethics, Deb has been offering two to four trainings annually in Louisiana since its inception and in Colorado since 2015.

Deb can be reached through her training web site: or her law and social work web site: She can also be emailed at [email protected] or [email protected].

Colorado & Louisiana Trainings

Ethical Challenges with Divorced Parents:
Clinical and Legal Conundrums


May 10th, 2024
8:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon (MST) / 9:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (CST)


via Zoom

Description of Workshop:

Oh no – not another subpoena for my clinical records! Does my client want to authorize the release or not? Will I be deposed and/or have to testify at a Court hearing? How will my entanglement in my client’s litigation affect our subsequent therapeutic relationship? What about one parent’s request for my opinion on whether the child should be alone with the other parent – that is, the information from one parent (perhaps corroborated by the child client) suggests that it might not be emotionally safe to be with other parent for unsupervised visitation. Should I write my opinion knowing it likely will be used in Court against the other parent? And finally, why did I pick this area of practice????

Deb will discuss how to navigate your clinical practice ethically and self-protectively when working with divorced couples. Many of my legal consultations concern this demographic in clinical practice; it is, by far, one of the most clinically challenging and ethically demanding areas of mental health practice.

Therapists who work with children of divorced parents – or one of the spouses individually – frequently find themselves caught in a quagmire: they do not want to jeopardize the child’s or spouse’s therapy, but yet the demanding parents/spouses at war with each other often drag the therapist into the litigation arena. Records are sought. Testimony is compelled. Therapists are anxious and understandably hypervigilant to avoid any misstep that might result in a licensing board Complaint/Grievance. The therapy suffers. The therapist suffers.

Divorce and custody litigation can draw therapists into a black hole and destroy their ability to maintain a healthy, therapeutic relationship with the child (or spouse) client who needs them sorely.

This workshop will help clinicians prepare to handle these white-water rapids with a better understanding of how to shield themselves from harm, albeit probably not from all anxiety.

Deb invites participant discussion throughout the webinar and encourages registrants to submit specific situations in advance to enhance our grist for the training mill.

Trainings typically are three (3) hours and certificates will be provided at the end of the seminar.

Ethical Management of Boundaries in the Digital Age:
Necessities (“the Rules”) and Suggestions for Increasing Well-being of Clinicians and Their Clients


June 7th, 2024
8:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon (MST) / 9:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (CST)


via Zoom

Description of Workshop:

What are the necessities (ethical rules) of boundary-setting with clients? What are some challenges? What do we do with the gray areas? Query whether the ethical requirements of our profession help or hinder the well-being of: Our clients? Ourselves?

Many clinicians have struggled over the past few years with COVID worries and the resulting pivot to teletherapy. Although many therapists and their clients enjoy the ease that comes with teletherapy, there are consequences of moving psychotherapy into the digital realm. Sometimes the boundaries become blurred – after-hour texts, emails, phone calls, and of course, those pesky Google reviews.

How has your practice shifted over the past several years? Has it transformed to nearly all remote therapy? Has the transformation positively or negatively affected your quality of life? I’m sure you will answer something like “pros and cons” to the new way. Are you more or less likely to make time for your own well-being? This workshop will look at some ways to improve well-being, which is important for you and important to share with your clients.

The well-being suggestions, from me and participant engagement, will be aimed at helping increase overall well-being for tired, stressed therapists. Of course, your work and self-reflection in this webinar will translate to an increased ability to help your clients achieve a greater sense of well-being.

Come join Deb and the many clinicians who attend her webinars to do a deep dive into your own well-being. This will be a different webinar with more written reflection exercises, followed by group sharing and discussion. Of course, no one will have to share and can learn plenty from merely being present with us all as we grapple with some difficult dilemmas with our clients … and with ourselves.

Trainings typically are three (3) hours and certificates will be provided at the end of the seminar.

What People Are Saying About Deb’s Seminars

“Beyond (to excuse a pun) satisfied, the information was relevant, concise, and interesting.”

-Sean O.
“Always thoughtful, frank, realistic – holds both legal and clinical frame for perspective and prevention for social worker and client.”

-Connie K.
“Deb always has relevant/current cases. … Deb is always informative (as well as entertaining!).”

-Kasey O.
“What was especially helpful to me was the section on how to handle subpoenas and preventive measures I can take in working with high-conflict couples to avoid Complaints.”

-Kay A.
Beyond Ethics, LLC